Untappd hits 500 Million Check-ins

When we first built Untappd, thought of 500 checkins was something that I thought would be an amazing milestone. Now 7 years in, Untappd has just crossed over the 500 million checkin mark. It’s amazing accomplishment to our team and more importantly — our community. You can read all about it here.

We have always said since day 1, that we are an app for the community to better discover beer, friends and places and 7 years into the service we are sticking true to that message.

For anyone that knows me personally, knows how much time, passionate and effort I put into Untappd every day — and I am so proud to be part of this community, enjoy every minute of it.

I want to personally thank the entire community for their passion, patience and excitement for checking in with us to 500 million — it’s been an incredible ride and I can’t wait for what lies ahead.



